Common Septic Systems: Low Pressure Dosing System

Common Septic Systems: Low Pressure Dosing System

Different Treatment Process

A LPD system has a septic tank which acts just like a conventional system, serving to separate solid waste from liquid waste; it’s what happens after the effluent leaves the tank where the process changes.

The liquids flow into a second tank which has a submersible effluent pump. The pump then doses the liquids to the LPD field. The LPD pipes are pressurized, so the effluent is dispersed throughout the entire absorption area at the same time (unlike in a conventional system which uses gravity).

Common Septic Systems: Low Pressure Dosing System

Risers And Alarms Required

The pump tank is required to have risers to the surface of the ground so that it is easily accessible if any repairs in the pump tank are necessary. LPD systems are also required to have high-water alarms — these alarms activate if the pump tank overfills, which usually means the pump, floats, electrical, etc. needs attention or repairs.

More Maintenance Necessary

LPD systems require more maintenance than a conventional system, but not as much maintenance as an aerobic system. Maintenance may include the following:

  • The septic tank and pump tank should be pumped out to remove the solids on a regular basis.
  • The small holes in the LPD pipe are susceptible to clogging; therefore the lines may need to be blown out periodically.
  • Repairs may be needed to systems components such as the pump, control panel, alarms, floats, wiring, etc.

Learn more about LPD systems here.

For 86+ years, Van Delden Wastewater Systems has withstood the test of time as the leading Wastewater System company, providing San Antonio, Boerne, and the surrounding Texas Hill Country with services you can count on now and in the future.

Call us for any of your wastewater systems needs and let our professionals help you with your septic installation and maintenance requirements: (210) 698-2000 (San Antonio) or (830) 249-4000 (Boerne).

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