Do I Need To Pump My Tank If I Use Additives?

Do I Need To Pump My Tank If I Use Additives?

You’ve likely seen the commercials about using septic tank additives (such as Rid-X), and may have wondered if that would help save you money on pumping your septic tank. After all, it sounds like a good idea and who doesn’t like trying to save money?

The answer is, YES, all septic tanks need to be pumped on a regular basis, even if additives are used. Additives do not make sludge build up disappear, which is why even if you use additives regularly, your septic tank still needs to be pumped.

Don’t take our word for it, here is what Rid-X says on their website:



Yes, the average recommended time between septic tank pumping is 2–3 years, depending on the rate of sediment build-up, family size, and other factors.”

Did you know?

Your septic tank has eco system all on it’s own! Every time you use the restroom, natural bacteria is added to the tank that can break down solids and paper. Because of this, additives aren’t really necessary. Even the EPA does not recommend using additives. Why? It is not needed in most cases.

If your septic tank hasn’t been pumped in at least 3 years, give us a call for a free phone estimate. Waiting to pump your tank can lead to a domino effect of issues and may lead to complete system replacement. Do don’t wait, call us today!

For 86+ years, Van Delden Wastewater Systems has withstood the test of time as the leading Wastewater System company, providing San Antonio, Boerne, and the surrounding Texas Hill Country with services you can count on now and in the future.

Call us for any of your wastewater systems needs and let our professionals help you with your septic installation and maintenance requirements: (210) 698-2000 (San Antonio) or (830) 249-4000 (Boerne).

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