Your Septic Warranty Is Only As Good As Your Septic Company

Your Septic Warranty Is Only As Good As Your Septic Company

Whether your septic system is in need of repair or it’s time to upgrade your entire system, one of the most pressing questions people have is how to choose the right contractor for the job. Many companies will offer a warranty on the services provided as a way to give a bit of reassurance that they’re the right choice. However, not all warranties are the same. Here’s what you need to know about septic warranties.

What a Warranty Covers

Most new products will come with a warranty from the manufacturer that covers things like defects in the product for a set period of time. For example, septic tank manufacturers typically provide a one-year warranty on the tank itself, provided it was installed correctly and in accordance with their specifications and guidelines. In other words, as long as the tank was installed correctly, should the tank fail within the first year following installation, you’ll be entitled to a repair and replacement from the manufacturer.


While both of these warranties protect the customer, each is meant to cover a different aspect of a project. If your contractor is offering a warranty aside from one provided by the manufacturer, read it carefully so you understand what is covered, including parts and labor, and for how long the coverage will last.

What Could Go Wrong?

Most manufacturer warranties are provided directly by that company, and some provide any service that results from using that warranty. For others, however, servicing that warranty comes down to the installer. Obviously, any contractor warranties are serviced by the contractor that offered the warranty. For these reasons, it’s important to understand who is standing behind that warranty.

For example, many contractors provide a one-year warranty or guarantee that is meant to cover system failures or other breakdowns. The homeowner or business owner is provided this information upfront and feels good about choosing this company to do the work. Once the work is complete, the contractor is paid and all seems well—until the day someone discovers standing water near the septic tank. The owner is concerned, but remembering the warranty, calls the contractor to schedule a visit.

But the contractor never answers the phone.

Choosing the Right Contractor

Our unfortunate owner above has little recourse outside a lawsuit or by hiring another company to repair his septic system. No matter how good a warranty sounds, it will only ever be as good as the company standing behind the workmanship. Instead of chasing down an unscrupulous contractor after the fact, make sure you choose a reputable contractor from the start.

The right septic contractor will be upfront about all charges, including fees that are associated with the service you’re looking for such as after-installation costs like irrigation repair and landscaping, and things like permits when necessary. You should also ask about licensing and insurance: every good contractor not only has their own liability insurance, but also pays workers compensation insurance to protect their crew.

You also want to choose a company that has a great deal of knowledge and experience when it comes to septic systems, along with one who has a proven record of reliability. Ask your contractor for references you can contact, and be sure to find a few that are not provided by the contractor. For example, look for reviews on a contractor’s Google profile and see what others are saying.

Lastly, it is usually a good idea to choose a contractor who has been in business for a number of years. While every start-up needs a chance to get established, trusting something as critical as your septic system may not be the best idea for a contractor with no proven track record. Plus, when it comes to warranties, a company that’s been in business for decades is far more likely to still be around in a few months in case you need to put that warranty to work!

Reputable Septic Service & Installation

Van Delden Wastewater Systems has been in the residential and commercial wastewater business for more than 80 years. We pride ourselves on our proven record of customer satisfaction and the quality of our workmanship. If you’re looking for a reputable contractor to service your septic system, you can count on the professionals at Van Delden. Contact us to learn more.

For 86+ years, Van Delden Wastewater Systems has withstood the test of time as the leading Wastewater System company, providing San Antonio, Boerne, and the surrounding Texas Hill Country with services you can count on now and in the future.

Call us for any of your wastewater systems needs and let our professionals help you with your septic installation and maintenance requirements: (210) 698-2000 (San Antonio) or (830) 249-4000 (Boerne).

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